Return Policy 退貨政策
GBPH好寶貝寵物居家用品 (www.gbph.us) 以下簡稱好寶貝
本公司 維肯國際實業股份有限公司提供完善的售後服務,基於台灣消費者保護法規,在本網站購買商品的消費者皆可享有商品到貨次日起,七天鑑賞期的權益。
● 申請退貨
– 退貨服務僅適用該訂單未拆封使用商品進行完全退貨,並將完整 (1)未開封的所有商品、(2)附贈的贈品與組合內商品、(3)出貨明細。
-申請商品退貨時,請透過LINE官方帳號 @gbph 或是官方E-mail order@gbph.us聯繫客服人員,並提供訂購姓名/ 訂單編號 / 手機號碼及退貨原因等,以利客服人員更迅速為您確認退換貨相關事宜。
– 購買套組商品時必須將套組商品完整退貨,訂單內附有贈品時,贈品亦須同商品完整包裝寄回。
– 退貨時,請使用原包裝紙箱將欲辦理退貨之商品包裝妥當;若原紙箱已遺失,請使用其他堅固紙箱包裝,切勿直接於商品本體或商品包裝紙盒上黏貼紙張或書寫文字寄送。
– 提醒您,如有下列任一情形,將無法進行商品退貨申請:產品超過7日鑑賞期、部分或全部商品已拆封(個人消耗性商品如:寵物除臭尿墊等 衛生用品 一經拆封恕不退換)、贈品(含試用品、旅行組及滿額贈品)已拆封。
– 賣場標註的福利品/即期品等特惠商品不得以瑕疵、效期等理由進行退換貨。
● 商品瑕疵及保固說明
– 商品收到時,若發現瑕疵或是與購買商品不符等問題時,請於收到商品七天內盡速與客服人員聯繫,我們將為您安排退換貨等服務。
– 商品容器使用後發生瑕疵等非人為使用故障時,提供1個月內無償保固服務。
● 退款相關說明
– 台灣地區退款運費:
訂單門檻 | 回收方式 | 訂單 | 出貨運費 | 退貨運費 |
到達免運門檻訂單 | 消費者寄回 | 全額退款 | 無須負擔 | 消費者負擔 |
到達免運門檻訂單 | 申請回收 | 全額退款 | 無須負擔 | 消費者負擔 |
未達免運門檻訂單 | 消費者寄回 | 全額退款 | 消費者負擔| 運費酌收 70 | 消費者負擔 |
未達免運門檻訂單 | 申請回收 | 全額退款 | 消費者負擔 |運費酌收 70 | 消費者負擔 |
瑕疵商品退貨 | 瑕疵品不回收自行廢棄 | 全額退款 | 全額退款 | – |
- 自行寄回者,訂單金額將附加70元退貨運費後退款。
- 未達免運門檻訂單之訂單,訂單金額將扣除出貨運費70後退款。
– 退款作業時程
– 台灣境外地區退款運費:
訂單門檻 | 回收方式 | 訂單 | 出貨運費 | 退貨運費 |
到達免運門檻訂單 | 消費者寄回 | 全額退款 | 順豐速遞 NTD600 | 消費者負擔 |
未達免運門檻訂單 | 消費者寄回 | 全額退款 | 順豐速遞 NTD600 | 消費者負擔 |
瑕疵商品退貨 | 瑕疵品不回收自行廢棄 | 全額退款 | 全額退款 | – |
[信用卡 / Line Pay] 進行結帳之顧客,受理退貨申請後,待賣家收到退貨商品驗貨完成後,款項將自動退刷申請,帳單退刷日根據發卡銀行基準退款,退刷作業期間已跨信用卡結帳日時,費用將退於次月帳單。
以上退換貨相關詳細諮詢歡迎透過LINE官方帳號@gbph 或官方E-mail order@gbph.us 聯繫客服人員,謝謝。
GBPH Good Boy Pet Home Products Return and Exchange Policy
GBPH Good Boy Pet Home Products (www.gbph.us), hereinafter referred to as “Good Boy”, provides a comprehensive after-sales service. Based on the Consumer Protection Law of Taiwan, consumers who purchase products on this website are entitled to a 7-day appreciation period from the date of delivery of the product.
Applying for a Return
- Product appreciation refers to the cooling-off period, not the trial period. When applying for a return, the original packaging of the product must be kept intact.
- The return service is only applicable to the complete return of unopened and unused products in the order, and the following must be returned in full: (1) all unopened products, (2) the attached gifts and products in the set, and (3) the shipping list.
- When applying for a return, please contact customer service through the LINE official account @gbph or the official email order@gbph.us. Please provide your order name, order number, phone number, and reason for return to help the customer service staff confirm the return and exchange details more quickly.
- When purchasing a set product, the entire set product must be returned. If there are gifts included in the order, the gifts must also be returned with the product in its original packaging.
- When returning a product, please use the original carton to pack the product properly. If the original carton is lost, please use another sturdy carton to pack it. Do not stick labels or write directly on the product itself or the product packaging box.
- Please be reminded that if any of the following conditions apply, the return of the product cannot be processed:
- The product has exceeded the 7-day appreciation period.
- Some or all of the products have been unsealed (personal consumable products such as pet deodorizing urine pads and hygiene products cannot be returned or exchanged once they have been unsealed).
- The gift (including trial products, travel sets, and full-amount gifts) has been unsealed.
- Discount products marked as welfare products/expiring products in the store cannot be returned or exchanged for reasons such as defects or expiration date.
Product Defects and Warranty
- If you find any defects or inconsistencies with the purchased product upon receipt, please contact customer service as soon as possible within 7 days of receiving the product. We will arrange for a return or exchange for you.
- If the product container becomes defective after use and is not caused by human error, a free warranty service is provided within 1 month.
Refund Information
- Refund shipping fee in Taiwan: According to the Consumer Protection Law, the return shipping fee (the shipping fee for returning the product to the seller) incurred within the 7-day appreciation period shall be borne by the seller of the product. The shipping fee for sending the product out shall be paid according to the shipping policy at the time of the order. The shipping fee is not refundable. (No shipping fee is required when the order reaches the free shipping threshold)
Order Threshold | Return Method | Order Status | Shipping Fee | Return Shipping Fee |
Orders that meet the free shipping threshold | Returned by the customer | Full refund | Free | Customer pays |
Orders that meet the free shipping threshold | Apply for recycling | Full refund | Free | Customer pays |
Orders that do not meet the free shipping threshold | Returned by the customer | Full refund | Customer pays | Shipping fee is subject to a charge of 70 | Customer pays |
Orders that do not meet the free shipping threshold | Apply for recycling | Full refund | Customer pays | Shipping fee is subject to a charge of 70 | Customer pays |
Return of defective products | Defective products are not recycled and disposed of by the customer | Full refund | Full refund | – |
According to the Consumer Protection Law, the merchant is responsible for the return shipping fee. The consumer can apply for a return and recycling with the customer service, or return the goods by themselves.
For those who return the goods by themselves, the refund amount will be the order amount minus the return shipping fee of NT$70.
For orders that do not meet the free shipping threshold, the refund amount will be the order amount minus the shipping fee of NT$70.
– 退款作業時程
– Refund process schedule
After the customer service accepts the return, the refund application will be processed. The refund time will vary depending on the payment method.
Refund shipping fee for overseas regions in Taiwan:
Order Threshold | Return Method | Order Status | Shipping Fee | Return Shipping Fee |
Orders that meet the free shipping threshold | Returned by the customer | Full refund | SF Express NTD600 | Customer pays |
Orders that do not meet the free shipping threshold | Returned by the customer | Full refund | SF Express NTD600 | Customer pays |
Return of defective products | Defective products are not recycled and disposed of by the customer | Full refund | Full refund | – |
Payment Methods
For customers who check out with credit card / Line Pay, after the return application is processed and the seller receives and verifies the returned product, the refund will be automatically applied to the application. The refund date will be based on the issuing bank’s refund criteria. If the refund process crosses the credit card billing date, the refund will be credited to the next month’s bill.
For cash on delivery, ATM, please provide the following information: bank name, account number, account holder name, branch name, and branch code. The customer service staff will assist you with the refund process.
For any questions about returns and exchanges, please contact the customer service staff through the LINE official account @gbph or the official email order@gbph.us. Thank you.
Click on the purple box at the bottom right of the page to contact customer service!